Pern bears three continents, four major oceans, and a large number of islands. The largest continent,
the Southern, is noted for large areas of grassland and jungle, as well as high tectonic and volcanic activity (probably due to the two moons, although this increases with the coming of the Red Star). The Northern Continent, in contrast, is relatively infertile composed primarily of 'shield'
bedrock and is the most tectonically stable landmass on the planet. Not much is known of the small Far Western Continent,
as it has never been explored; its existence is known only from orbital satellite surveys and maritime expeditions.
Pern is noted for its high incidence of cave systems, particularly in the Northern Continent.
This feature heavily influenced the development of human society on the planet, as humans forced to take shelter in these
caves eventually developed an intricate culture associated with cave-dwelling in a feudal society at a medieval - Renaissance level of technology.
Pern is relatively lacking in most major metals. Nonetheless, sufficient deposits of petroleum and metals exist to supply a high-technology agrarian society, though not a high-technology industrial one.
Although Pern has four major oceans, the only ocean of major concern to most inhabitants of Pern is the Southern, which separates
the Northern and Southern Continents. Few expeditions have explored the Western and Eastern Oceans to either side of the main
continents, and the Ring Sea is known only from satellite observations.
The Southern Ocean is noted for its volatile weather and strong currents, which present a challenge
for mariners. At least one tropical cyclone has occurred in the ocean in the course of the books.
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